I was so happy here and as the name suggests, very cosy at The Cosy Club in Derby. The surroundings were amazing, fabulously decorated venue and plenty of space. They had separate menus for different tastes and needs! I was in some kind of Free From Heavenly place. There is a good little mix when us girls get together (no not that little mix), one of us is gluten free, one vegan and one, well how shall we describe her? A non free from foodie?
It was just great to have our own menus. I wanted to show mine off and show it to the world, saying 'look at me, I have my own menu, to myself, MINE!! I felt sorry for the girl who wanted to take our order as we were so wrapped up in the excitement of menu proudness we were then spoilt for choice and took ages to decide. Well you can take your time when you have a choice. Great selection of food and the menus are available to view online, I will pop the link on at the end of this post and you can also view the venue, it really is beautiful. After another millennium had passed I opted for a classic burger and upgraded my fries to sweet potato fries. That got me thinking, do sweet potatoes have a better status over conventional potatoes? Are they more important? Special in some way? I don't know but I had them anyway. Everything tasted sensational. A burger with a gluten free cob, YES!!! Great tasting sweet potato fries and a lovely coleslaw on the side. I also went for the extra slice of cheese on my burger, I know.......pushed the boat out in big style. Get a look at that dessert though eh? A warm gluten free chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream and yes it tasted as good as it looked. I accompanied it with a latte coffee including a dash of Bailey's too, talk about a treat. I then wondered on the Monday morning why I hadn't lost any weight that week. I looked at the scales in dismay, thinking about how many miles I'd walked with the new Fitbit. I felt as though I had walked to China and back and with no result and then I remembered that I had overloaded the calories slightly for which I am not going to feel any guilt. Not one bit! So can I recommend the Cosy Club? Oh yes and I think you should try it if you haven't already. It's the kind of place you could throw on a vintage style dress and dance like you have won Strictly but that's just my fantasy. I was just dressed in my cropped jeans and t shirt, no dancing took place, only in my head obviously. The staff are so friendly, very patient and if you have a restricted diet I am sure you will find something to please. They are situated at Royal Building, Victoria St, Derby DE1 1ES and the website is: cosyclub.co.uk/clubs/derby/ they also have a Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/cosyclubderby/ Take a look and see what you think. I would advise to book as it can get busy which doesn't surprise me. Thank you for reading today. Please join me again tomorrow as I will be having a little chat about Autism on Autism Support Saturday. Take care for now........
I was just walking past my local shops and oh there it was a basket outside one shop with cake and delights in with a big label on saying 'Gluten Free' so how could I resist. I had just had my haircut so I thought 'well I weigh a little less so there's room for cake now' (a 1000 excuses that don't make sense).
Riverbank Bakery are a family bakery based in Kings Lynn in Norfolk and have been producing a range of vegan loaf cakes for over 15 years they have added more flapjack and gluten free products recently building up to fifty individual product lines. Their cakes are all baked with the finest ingredients and it certainly tastes like it, this orange cake was absolutely gorgeous, very moist, tasty and doesn't fall apart, hurrah!! Just to name a few other cakes in their range, there are: Cherry and Sultana Date and Walnut Mixed Fruit Cherry and Almond Mango and Papaya Pineapple and Banana Sultana Cake Cinnamon Flapjack So plenty there to try eh? I purchased my cake from Greedy Pig Butchers at Park Farm in Allestree, (Derby). I think a butchers is a funny place to stock vegan cakes but hey ho. If you are vegan and can brave going into a butchers all good otherwise you may have to seek a meat eating friend to get you some supplies. Riverbank Bakery do have a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/riverbankbakery and they are also on Twitter too @RiverbankBakery so have a look and give them a try Thanks for reading today, catch me here tomorrow for Autism Support Saturday. Take care for now......... How many times do you walk into a cafe or teashop and there is only one or two cakes available and limited dishes on the menu? Well at 'Because I like it' in Bakewell you experience the complete opposite. Most of the cakes displayed are gluten free and there are so many dishes available on the menu, yes apart from the jacket potato!!! There are a lot of cake and food options for the vegetarian, vegan and dairy free lovers amongst us as well. It's just fabulous. I tend to look at places from a gluten free aspect as that is my diet but my niece visited this place a while ago and she had a very good vegan experience.
Get this as well, this establishment are also a gift shop and bistro too. It is certainly THE place to visit. Tucked away in a side street in Bakewell, there it is a cute little courtyard and plenty of seating inside too. The staff are very friendly and service is super. I went for a Tuna Melt Toasted Sandwich which was just gorgeous, it oozed tuna and mozzarella cheese, served with a salad and I ordered some coleslaw on the side. I ordered a mahooooosive pot of Yorkshire tea, well ok I shared it with my parents but that's ok because I love them. I can't believe I could actually walk into a place and just have anything I wanted to choose. I'm so used to being restricted on what I can select and eat at some places. I just wish this place was nearer. I can definitely see myself returning. They have a Facebook page which can be found at www.facebook.com/BecauseILikeItBakewell and they can be found at Water Street, Bakewell DE45 1EW As I said they are tucked away slightly but there is a little sign out on Water Street itself and if you've got a handy gadget with a map facility you'll find it easy peasy. If you have a restricted diet you will love this place and even if you are not you will also love it as they do offer food with 'everything' in as well so they cater for everyone. Let me know what you think if you visit, leave a comment as I would love to hear your views too. Thank you for reading, I will be back tomorrow for Autism Support Saturday. Take care for now........ It can be quite time consuming and shopping can take forever but we need to buy the right foods without the things we cannot eat. I remember when I first started on my gluten free diet I looked like I was studying some sort of food product technology degree the way I studied all the labels in the shops. I have to take my glasses of to read close up and then pop them back on otherwise I bump into the beans, so after a while it became so annoying. I know, should go to Specsavers but I do, haven't ventured into the varifocal or bifocal world yet, not sure I fancy it..
Thank goodness though for the bold type as it makes it so easy and clear to see whether the dreaded wheat/gluten is in my food. Pheww!! I can see that no problem even without removing my glasses. Result! But there is one product you do need some sort of degree to sort out. Have you ever tried reading the Pringle tube?? Pringles, the crisps all stacked up in a nice tube, in all sorts of flavours, even more variety at Christmas and very moreish. After spending half and hour reading around in a circle you do come to the ingredients written in many different languages and in teeny weeny writing, there it is confirmed.....no you can't eat them. Although do check as there are many different flavours and some are gluten free so it is good to check, even if it takes a bit of time. The Coeliac UK website is very useful and if you join up for a 12 month membership you can access a fancy app that tells you all you need to know. There is also a very useful scanning facility that gives you the information about the product and a smiley or sad face as to whether you can eat it. So easy. Their membership is £24 a year (£12 concessions) and you do get full support on their website and an informative magazine so it is worth it if you are looking for help with your diet. You can also register if you are not diagnosed with Coeliac Disease too. The website can be found here at: www.coeliac.org.uk Some labels are easier than others but if it prevents you from being poorly it is better to spend extra time to get it right. Things are improving and if all else fails most supermarkets have a 'Free From' aisle but products do tend to cost a little more there. If you have any top tips and funny stories about the label reading process then do let me know as I think we all have different experiences. For now though thank you for reading and I will return tomorrow with Autism Support Saturday. Take care....... |