I feel as though I've been dieting forever, well I've been with Slimming World for a few years now and I just can't get with it. I lost two stone and then got stuck really and never got back into it. So I thought, do you know what? I'm just going to give it a rest.
I'm hoping that with all the information and knowledge I've picked up I will at least be able to maintain the loss I achieved but I'm just fed up with it. Life has changed a bit now and I haven't got time to list how many items of food I've been eating all day, and making sure I stick to those syns. Some days at the moment I'm too busy to even think about food but I do drink my tea, thank goodness. If I'm busy then thats good, I'm not just snacking because of boredom or because the food is around. I'm going to still make sure I have some healthy meals and fill up on syn free stuff, I think it's been drilled into so much the last few years I automatically follow the diet anyway. The other thing is though I'll save the money, it is quite pricey every few months to pay the subscription online so I think I will put that money to use elsewhere for now. I'll probably be moaning in a few weeks that I'm fat again and I need to be thin for summer. We'll see, but for now I feel a bit relieved and a bit free from it all. Of course I still need to stick to my gluten free diet as that is necessary but at least I will be able to have my porridge and a some bread in the same day (slimming worlders will get that). You can only have one or the other when having the healthy extra options you see. I'm not knocking the diet in anyway as it has been brilliant and a good healthy way to eat but I need a break and then maybe later I can pick it up again and start fresh. I do truly believe that to follow a diet you have to have your heart and mind set on it otherwise there is no motivation. You have to have a meaning and reason to do it and I must be just happy in my skin at the moment. So here's to being diet free for a while.....I'll keep you posted on how it goes. for now though you all take care and I will be back tomorrow with Autism Support Saturday......thanks for reading today.