Free from what I hear you say, well I'm not really ready for the meat free bacon yet, as I am a happy meat eater. I don't eat a lot of meat but after hearing various reports about processed meats I saw this Naked Bacon and decided to give it a try. Yes turn away, the bacon is naked, blimey give it some privacy. No silly it's not naked in that way but free from nasty nitrates and E numbers.
It's all a bit sciencey but nitrates are used in foods especially processed meats such as ham, bacon and sausages to preserve them, these nitrates also give the. meat it's pinky colour. Some of this stuff is not good though and has been known to be linked with cancer. I know there are food scares all over the place and sometimes it's easy to get tired and fed up with such reports leading us to think well is there anything we can eat? Well I can tell you this bacon was really quite nice. I'm not sure whether I was under a bit of a psychological spell because I knew it was free of the rubbish I didn't want to eat but it did taste light and fresh. They do have other products in the range such as ham and sausages and frankly if they are trying to make our food healthy to eat then it's worth giving it a go. I purchased these bacon slices from Aldi but they are available in most of the big supermarkets. After looking into the harm these nitrates can do I would be inclined to buy more of these products even if it means paying a little more. Nitrates can also be found in vegetables and water so what can we do to stay away from these harmful chemicals? You could buy organic fruit and vegetables, filter your water at home and eat less processed meat. There are some fruit and veg which are lower in nitrates, they include:
I don't really want to start a massive debate or campaign on what to eat as I originally saw 'naked bacon' and thought it could be good so by no means is this a post to tell you to stop eating stuff. We all manage our diets and eat what we feel is right and the controversy around processed food and it's link to cancer has been reported widely around the world. If you like eating a lot of bacon though I can recommend this 'naked'' version, it tastes just like the usual but for me I just feel it might be healthier to have it especially as my son loves bacon so I want to keep him healthy too. If you would like more information about these products from Finnebrogue then take a look at their website at Thank you for reading today, if you have tried any of these products then let me know or maybe you do follow an organic food diet and find it better, I would be interested in your thoughts. For now though take care and do join me tomorrow for Autism Support Saturday. Bye for now......