I nipped into my local Tesco and wanted to grab something to eat quickly. I know they are now supplying a gluten free ready made sandwich choice which is brilliant but I fancied a bit of something else.
To be honest I was feeling a bit finicky and didn't really know what I wanted, it's been that kind of week. I blame it on the season change and the impending clock change as we officially leave summer and autumn diving head first into winter. I'm not a particularly great winter person, I find it a bit depressing. You wait I'll be reviewing one of those light boxes soon to combat my S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder), I do think I have that, but for now lets get back to gluten free. To be honest these little instant meals have a bit of a problem, they're not that great but I don't think you should be expecting a gourmet meal. Even before I went gluten free I can never actually remember finishing a pot noodle and congratulating it on how delicious it was. It had a purpose and that was quick and convenient but never that tasty. I chose a carbonara pasta pot here, a tikka masala rice pot and a curry rice noodle pot. Now rice noodles are lovely in a stir fry but here it resembles a very basic slimmers meal. There isn't a lot to it and you would be better just drinking a bottle of water. It's not bad but not good either. Out of the three I preferred the rice pot, quick to microwave and was quite tasty. I didn't like the carbonara as it had mushrooms in, who puts mushrooms in carbonara? I just have cheesy sauce and bacon pieces, never known mushrooms to be added. I'm sure if you like mushrooms it would be fine. The sauce is a bit thin and basic but again it is an instant microwave pot snack. After this exercise I realised that I am better sticking to freshly made food, yes these products are something quick if there is little time but with better careful planning it is possible to prepare some nice gluten free pasta or rice with added ingredients and have some handy in the fridge when required. Sorry Tesco it isn't a dig at you because I do find the Free From range in your supermarket very well stocked and I'm sure other supermarkets have similar items but after being with Slimming World too I've got into he habit of appreciating good fresh food instead of processed stuff. May be it's just me. Tell me what you think, have these quick little dishes worked for you or has it been a major fail? leave a comment on here or on my Facebook page. I would be interested to see if it's my taste buds that seem to say 'that's a no from me'. Thanks for reading today you lovely lot, please do come back tomorrow for Autism Support Saturday. Take for now.