I thought I would just share another gluten free snack while we are all still weaning ourselves down from the snackerthon at Christmas. It's hard to come down from all the food we consume over the holidays right down to a lettuce leaf for Weight Watchers, Slimming World or whatever diet you follow.
The fact is if you struggle you can have a little snack somewhere along the line as long as you don't go overboard. These little baked beauties are really tasty and quite nicely fill a little gap sometimes. I have purchased these from Aldi but they are very similar to Pop Chips which are sold in other supermarkets. They are gluten free and suitable for vegetarians, here we have the mixed vegetable snacks but they are also available in barbeque and sour cream and onion flavours too. If you are following Slimming World as I am then these will set you back 5.5 syns for 25g so not too bad. I don't eat them all the time but they are nice to have around if I get that savoury craving. It's funny because by eating vegetable crisps we always feel that they will be more healthy but then potatoes are blooming veggies as well and no crisps are healthy are they? If you're like me though I just need that salted snack fix though now and again and it's so nice to reach for something gluten free. I'm forever reading packets, if you hear a woop of delight in a supermarket then it's probably me getting excited because a product is gluten free. I feel like running around the supermarket sometimes shouting 'look it's gluten free, this is gluten free.....hallelujah - it's a miracle, join me in this celebration' but no everyone looks at me a bit funny. I love the 'free from' aisle in a shop, it's my special place to go where everything is alright to eat. I ponder at the cakes and puddings wishing that one day again I will eat them again but just settling for pasta and wafer thin crackers. It's a bit like the eighties gameshow Bullseye, 'oh look Sue from the Brew this is what you could be eating'. No speedboat or caravan for me just a consolation Bully to take home. If you were born late on then there must be an old episode on You Tube, it was a classic. You would get a contestant from Birmingham who didn't own a car but won a speedboat and thinking what the heck am I gonna do with that? They would still smile and say 'thanks Jim', Jim Bowen (gameshow host) - top bloke. Well that's me done for today so onto Autism Support Saturday tomorrow, come and join me for that but for now you all take care and keep warm, it's getting a bit chilly now.