I don't know about you but if you're on Slimming World or any diet you need a little treat now and again. These little snacks are only 3 syns each and can also be used as a healthy extra b option too.
There are many flavours but only one is gluten free and that's the Choca Mocha variety. A lovely chewy chocolatey bar with a hint of coffee flavouring and although small it is surprisingly satisfying. You can buy these online as a member of Slimming World for £1.95 per pack of 6 but you do have to purchase a minimum of 5 boxes. I find this is ok as I chuck them in a plastic storage box and there are plenty there so no fear of being without one. I also just keep one in my handbag for emergencies which came in very handy when my car broke down the other week. Hurrah I wasn't going to starve but neither was I going to get really fat. If you are not following the Slimming World diet you can purchase these bars from ebay so I can recommend them as a low fat snack. Yes ok they are no big Mars Bar or a Snickers but they will give you the sugar boost you need without over doing and be able to eat them gluten free! They do say these bars are a limited edition but I'm hoping they don't go anywhere soon, maybe they plan to continue to produce a gluten free bar in another flavour, who knows. Please don't take them from us Slimming World as we need at least one gluten free option. It's ok I've sent an email to them to 'save our choca mocha's', if I feel a further campaign or a petition in need of signing I'll let you know, watch this space. Let me know what you think of them and if you enjoy them, do you think they need to include more gluten free options or is this enough? I'd be interested to know what you think. For now though thank you for reading today, feel free to drop by tomorrow for Autism Support Saturday. Bye for now.....
You may have seen my new pasta machine which I reviewed on 'What to Buy Wednesday' this week. I had used it to make some fresh pasta but today I thought I would try and make some gluten free tagliatelle.
I used a recipe from the Doves Farm website which can be viewed here: www.dovesfarm.co.uk/recipes/gluten-free-tagliatelle-pasta If you are familiar with a gluten free diet you will know the name Doves Farm, they manufacture a lot of gluten free flours and baking ingredients. This recipe was so easy to make and it produced a good firm dough, now I just need to see if it will go through the pasta machine without falling to pieces. Not having gluten in the dough means you lose a lot of the elasticity you would normally get in standard gluten dough so it does break up easily. It was a bit fiddly at first to roll it through but the recipe does advise to keep trying until it starts to come together. It does but it takes a bit of time and patience. I was also a little bit afraid of rolling the dough to thin so I didn't get past setting two of eight on the machine. I was quite impressed to get something that resembled tagliatelle even if a bit thicker than I would of liked. It tasted ok though so with a bit more practice I think I could have this sorted. I do love fresh pasta it does taste so much nicer and it's so quick to cook. So for the first time not a bad effort. I may have to give you a regular update on my 'gluten free pasta progress'. Let me know if you've tried making pasta, I would appreciate any top tips. I may see if Jamie Oliver has got a recipe, he makes everything look so easy. I could do with him coming round and teaching me, that would be good. Help Jamie help! Oh nice try Sue from the Brew. You all take care now and feel free to join me again tomorrow for Autism Support Saturday. Thank you Tesco for bringing one of my favourite desserts to me in a gluten free version. Next to a cheesecake this is just the best pudding ever!. Oh and a sponge pudding, that comes close too. The Salted Caramel Sponge Pudding I mentioned over Christmas was fabulous by the way, that good I ended up going back to buy another. I was just hoping that it may not have been a Christmas thing and they may stock that one all year around.
I did try this Lemon Meringue before the New Year and before going back on to a strict diet. I put half a stone on over Christmas and New Year which I'd love to be surprised about but after the amount I ate I was kind of expecting it. I have though already shifted some of it off again which is fantastic and has left me inspired to get back on it and get my three stone award with Slimming World. This pie was delicious and yes the pastry is a little crumbly but we do expect that with gluten free pastry. Apart from a little crumbliness it was just as any other lemon meringue. I think it was a bit lighter and not so stodgy. My son didn't even notice the difference and ate it too. He even ate the last slice which I was a bit miffed about at first then remembered it was the season of goodwill and he was only saving me from future fatness. So this is found in the refrigerator dessert aisle next to all the trifles and egg custards, I was so excited when I found it, I never thought to look anywhere else apart from the Free From aisle so do hunt around as it can be like a treasure hunt, gluten free surprises all around. Now I know how kids feel when they go on an Easter egg hunt. Yes I am like a small child when I find gluten free products, I could jump up and down and do a little dance but not sure the shoppers and staff are ready for that at Tesco. Priced at £3.35 for a whole 365g's just don't think about syns or points because it may well tip you over the edge. You do need a treat now and again though so set a target and have this as your reward. Well done again Tesco! Thank you for joining me today please do pop by tomorrow for Autism Support Saturday but for now..... Take care. Now I have passed these by in the supermarkets but always presumed that they would contain wheat. Well that will serve me right for not being label detective won't it as they are in fact gluten free and low fat too so cost very little syns. Great eh? Not just great, it's blooming brilliant. They taste good as well so I am chuffed to bits. I love sausages, you can put them with anything and being low on syns with Slimming World you can cook them and use them for a quick snack through the day. There are many different products in the Hecks range as well as sausages including meatballs and burgers, they also stock a vegetarian range too. Be aware though with these products, they do have different syn values if you are on Slimming World as you can see here: But here are the sausages with the lower syn value here: If you have the current Slimming World magazine you will have seen this advert in there. I was was glad to see it and think I'll be buying them from now on. I purchased mine from Sainsbury's but they are available from most supermarkets including Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Waitrose. You can also order online from their website so for more information including recipes and stockists go to: www.heckfood.co.uk
I always have to think gluten free and Slimming World especially now it's new year, thinner me and all that. The Slimming World sausages are gluten free too but only available from Iceland which annoys me so although totally free of syns I would rather pay the odd syn for these, they taste better too in my opinion and easily available. So go forth and buy from Heck - by heck and blooming heck you'll love em'. Let me know if you've tried them, what did you think? Which are you're favourites? Feel free to leave a comment below. For now though I must leave you for today, come back tomorrow for any advice and chatter about Autism on Autism Support Saturday......till then..... Take care. |