There must have been a time when you have needed a bottle opener, maybe you're a happy camper or at home and never know where to find one when needed. Well how about having one of these cute little ones around?
They double up as a keyring so you can keep them ready at all times and especially coming up to this festive season. They are handy to keep in your handbag or keep it hooked onto your barbecue in the summer, we all know the chef needs regular refreshments right? These little delights are available from A Thousand Yellow Daisies on line at They have different designs and priced at £2.50 each. I purchased a pack of three seen here which are £5.99 for the pack, reasonably priced but because you are here with Sue from the Brew you can have a discount of 15% when ordering from their online store. Just use the code: ATYD15SL2017 at the checkout. There are many lovely items on this store especially if you are a craft fan and favour homemade designs such as these. They would make great presents if you're a little bit stuck for ideas or fancy purchasing something a little bit different. So go have a look and take advantage of your discount. I still use my gorgeous mug for a brew every day. If you missed my review you can read it here: a-new-home-for-my-brew.html Thank you for reading today, if you fancy some more please come back tomorrow where I write a Verse for Thursday. Take care for now.
I was tootling along in my car today and put on my tinker, that's nothing rude it was my indicator, and yes I do sometimes use them. Now everyone knows the normal noise indicators make, mine still do make a noise as I am in a mature Ford Fiesta but today they made the sound when you know darn well one of the bulbs has gone.. The type of noise that sounds as if the indicators are having some sort of panic attack, reminiscent of my heart when my it does the same thing.
I thought it related to old age, no not me and my anxiety but the car silly! I then checked and yes the bulb had gone in my right indicator. That was it, I now could only go left from then on until I could get to the garage. If worst came to the worst I could always use old fashioned hand signals which I do inside the car and frankly they tell people which direction to go in but it's not a very nice place. Knowing my luck I'd probably wind my window down to signal right and punch some poor sod off their bike. I went to a teashop and contemplated how many right turns I would have to make to the garage for a new bulb. I had tea and cake partly because I fancied it and partly because this was serious planning especially if taking a trip to Morrisons on the way too. It was fine after three cups of tea, I wasn't phased and actually thought that some people don't use indicators at all anyway so I could just be one of those people for a while. Finally I got to the garage and just as I pulled up the indicator worked, you complete teaser!! Naughty tinker. It got changed anyway, I also cheekily asked for an oil and water check while the bonnet or hood (for our US friends) was up, well why not?? May as well get a full check up. While checking all the other lights I also had a brake light out. The moral of this tale and my 'whatever' on this Wednesday is a bit of a public awareness message. It is the time of year to check all your lights indicators, well it should be done regularly but now the nights are drawing in and we are going to be using our lights more often just check to see if they are all in good working order. New cars probably tell you by some new posh fangled way or send you a message through an app but for those jalopy drivers get someone to help you check. Most garages will be happy to help if you ask So stay safe while driving and get a little check for the winter. Thanks for reading and join me again tomorrow for my Verse for Thursday. Take care. Oh no Whatever the Wednesday has happened here??? Sue from the Brew had to have a filling in her tooth today. Boooooooooo!!! It's not a nice thing and what's more I had to have a filling in my wisdom tooth so it was a case of pokey fingers right in the back of my mouth, yuk. I thought they just got rid of wisdom teeth but obviously. mine has so much wisdom it was worth trying to save.
The pressure was on today as I had to be brave, you see I only took my eldest son for a filling last week and with him being on the autistic spectrum I thought it was all going to be a nightmare but he was so good I had to be equally brave. I know what you're thinking - my goodness we have such bad oral health in our house but both our fillings were in need of just being done again, we ate so much sugar we wore the first ones out - ha, no not really and we should all take our teeth very seriously kids!!! especially when getting the right chewing action when eating a curly wurly - oh stop it!!! I have a good laugh with my dentist, he has a great sense of humour. I did suggest we all take the day off and go on the park but no he said I could go but he would have to stay. Boring!!!! Better have my filling then and in the chair I got. Now I think the worst thing of any dental treatment is the injection in the gum, they kind of stick it in and leave it hanging for a minute or two until after a few more minutes you resemble some slobbering mess that would earn you an oscar in the next Shrek movie. It didn't go that bad to be fair. I was a good girl, no sticker though - denied!!! My mum didn't even offer to buy me sweets after either. Wonder why? The biggest fail was not being able to go for a brew and cakey treat. This is not good! I must always be able to access a brew and after a lengthy shop around Asda I managed a brew in their cafe. No cake though and I could hear my teeth sigh with relief. As long as I can sip some tea I'm fine, might even give up on cake......what????? Did the dentist freeze my brain as well?? I don't think I could ever give up cake totally. So that was my Wednesday, I hope yours was better and you didn't have to go near the dentist. I will actually miss mine as he leaves our practice at Christmas for pastures new. I bid him a fair farewell and would like to say thank you for check ups, fillings and that class root canal. Good luck Dr Jason Bland. Well that's me done for another day, join me back here at Make a Brew Sue for more tomorrow with my Verse for Thursday. Thanks for reading, take care for now........ A bit of a moan on a Wednesday, well it has to be done and not really a moan I suppose but more of an observation. There is far too much packaging on products these days. I hate to think how much we throw away and some of it not recyclable.
I was unpacking a white shirt the other day which I had bought for my son to wear at school. Well it had cardboard around it, plastic clips keeping it all in place, the thing took about ten minutes to rid of all the rubbish which I suppose is there to make it look attractive in it's plastic pack. Just put the thing on a hanger and save the rainforest for goodness sake!! Toys are another thing wrapped in far too much packing. I know that Fireman Sam and his pals need to be held in tight while they take a uncomfortable journey in a shopping basket to the till and then thrown into the boot of a car. They have already been subjected to torture and restraint as we free them from plastic twisty wire and elastic bands, you can almost here toys shout 'Freeeeeedom' when they are let out, no? Just me then. To the toy manufacturers, personally I'm not bothered about a posh box that will only end up in the bin, just a paper bag will do. Food is the same, I spend a lot of time just emptying things out of boxes and packets to store in my freezer as the boxes that most food comes in takes up far too much room. This is where it is beneficial to buy from small shops in the high street (yes support small business's). The local grocer will just pop your fruit and veg in a paper bag and the butcher will serve your meat in much less packing than any supermarket. I remember being at college learning floristry and just couldn't believe the amount of cellophane and wrapping that went around a bouquet, is it necessary? Yes it makes it look pretty but I do think less can look a little more classy. There are some fab flower boxes on the market which cut out the use of too much wrapping and I may show you in a future post, how a bouquet can look just as fabulous with more of the flowers on show and less packing. The flowers after all should take centre stage in my opinion. Most packaging around now is able to be recycled but there is a lot that isn't and this is not good. Companies such as McDonalds have now started to recycle their waste, that was a long time coming, but it's better to start now, after all the less we send to landfill the better. We need to consider this planet, it needs to last a good million more years yet. I've been guilty of wrapping things in yards of bubble wrap when posting my ebay parcels in the past. Theres a tendency to think it's better to be safe than sorry. I just want things to get to the buyer in one piece but I'm going to think twice from now on. Christmas is approaching and the bins will be overflowing with oversized Amazon boxes, oh and that tape that nearly slices your fingers in half when trying to rip it open in excitement. Remember to chuck as much in your blue bin or whatever colour bin your recycle stuff goes in and I'm going to try and not keep myself awake at night with how much actually doesn't get recycled, arrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh. Anyway I think I've got that off my chest and out there, let me know your views and which packaging really gets on your nerves. What suggestions do you have to improve packaging, some is necessary for protection but I do think we could not only save the planet but also cut down on cost too. Thanks for reading my blog, do visit again tomorrow when I shall be writing A Verse for Thursday, until then....... Take care. |
What to Buy WednesdayFrom May 2020 I will be writing a poem about something I may have purchased or would like to purchase. Archives
May 2020