We are experiencing quite warm temperatures for February here in the UK at the moment and now I have probably jinxed it. I clocked the temperature at a very mild 17 degrees C today and that is the kind of temperatures we would expect in spring going into summer.
So I thought while everyone is eating ice cream and wearing their t shirts I thought I would pop into Costa and have a cold brew. Oh I couldn't think what to have so it's a good job there wasn't a queue. The lovely Henry at the Derby Odeon Costa knows me by now and was very patient while I perused the menu. I plummeted for a Frostini in a salted caramel crunch style and OMG my taste buds went wild my fellow brewsters. An iced coffee with salted caramel and cream on top. Blooming lovely, so lovely that when I had sat down and had a taste I shouted to Henry that it was gorgeous.....hoping that the other customers would click on you see and go and order one too. I'm just there for marketing half the time, you all think I'm addicted to Costa. Not great on the old calories but hey who was counting today, I was having a taste of summer and enjoying the treat with my son. I was actually contemplating taking my car for a wash at the local Morrisons store, they have a hand car washy thing going on down there. I've become that busy I haven't had time to wash it myself so off we went. Bargain! I never realised how excited I could be after someone else had washed my car. it looks amazing and I haven't had to do it. Worth every penny of my £7 I paid, thank you washy car peeps. So Teapot Tuesday kind of turned into 'have something different at costa' Tuesday and I did. It's a brew.....it counts, I will get back to the tea next week, I just needed a break. Thanks for reading today, please join me tomorrow for What to Buy Wednesday which could be called something else by the time tomorrow comes around as that's the way I'm rolling (not really, I will behave). Take care now.
It's been an exciting week and I have been having a lot of brews in these fabulous mugs. They were a little birthday pressie to me and my new shop and have been used quite a few times.
I have been drinking mostly tea as it is my favourite drink but I find the sachets of latte and cappuccino coffee are ok from Aldi. You do have to make sure they mix well, otherwise you may be trying to drink big blobs of powder and that doesn't taste good. I find you just have to mix it all together with a little water first to make sure it is mixed well then pour the rest of the water in. You see there is always a bit of technique with these things. I have to have a brew while I'm busy or taking a little break.....kettle is always on if your passing through the craft village at Markeaton Park in Derby. Failing drinking my pour excuse for a latte, you can visit the lovely cafe nearby on the park called The Orangery, they do a proper brew and food too. I did review this place back in 2017 before Suzy Blues so you can get a little read of that here a-fruity-delight-in-markeaton.html If you would like to keep up to date with what is happening at my little shop then give my page a like on Facebook here www.facebook.com/suzybluesflowers/ So I'll carry on having my brew and selling flowers, what a combination but it is lovely so pop and see me sometime. I will be back for What to Buy Wednesday tomorrow but for now you all take care. Oh yes I had to have my brew yesterday in Derby Royal's Accident and Emergency Department yesterday and a fine brew it was, just what the patient needed. I'm a bit surprised that I only had the one but I was so conscious of drinking lots of brews, needing the toilet and then missing my name being called out.
I was trying to be so well organised yesterday and planned to drop all my flowery stock off early at the shop. This went so well until I had a bit of a fight with a big gate and the gate seemed to want to cuddle my little finger. A bit squashed and cuddled far too much it was so I decided to take myself down to A&E to have it checked. I was so glad of a nice brew and bless the ladies at the League of Friends Tea Bar for being there with a friendly face and lovely service. It beats a boring old vending machine, those big metal things won't smile and say 'is that too strong for you?' No it wasn't too strong it was a perfect brew and the best thing I had seen in the last three hours of waiting. You get so used to faces and people popping in and out while waiting around. it's not something I do that often, in fact I think it was the first time I have ever walked in to A&E. I probably waited a little longer than I should as I didn't get booked in properly but hey when I did I received tip top treatment, bless our NHS and everyone who works there. I came away with just a slight tiny fracture and a bit of swelling but it will be all back to normal in a couple of weeks. What a day though and so different to the one I had planned, in fact it was my one day off. Just goes to show you never know where you're next brew is coming from or where you will be drinking it. Take care everyone and I will be back tomorrow for What to Buy Wednesday.....join me then. One of the great decisions in life part from deciding which tea to drink is what to have with it. Do you attack a packet of digestives and partake in a bit of dunking or go for the cream tea with a scone, jam and cream?
The scone must be one little piece of gorgeousness that whips up two of the most talked about debates around. I mean forget Brexit, for starters there is the pronunciation of the word scone, in some parts of the country we say scone (rhyming with 'own') or Scon' (rhyming with 'one'). I'm a scone kind of girl so I can say that I 'own that scone' and sound like a poet. The other big dilemma is jam first or cream? So you've purchased this wonderful warm home baked scone (or scon) and you grab your knife and slice it in half, what are you going to do now? The Cornish way is to spread the jam on first and then the cream on top but those in Devon go for the cream first and then the jam on top. I'm with the Cornish on this one and apparently so is the Queen when she settled this debate sometime ago. Surely if you spread the cream on first the jam doesn't spread on the cream as easy as the other way around, cream seems to be a natural topping to me. How to people do it with cream first? The jam is thicker so it will just get all mixed up with the cream, it's just not right. Calm down Sue from the Brew let's not get carried away but some people do take this very seriously. Oh I'll probably cause a bit of a kafuffle now and I don't suppose it really matters as long as you enjoy it. There was actually a 'jamfirst' hashtag on Twitter which was trending big time last year, people do get quite heated on this subject. Well cream teas have been served since the 11th century so we may still be discussing this subject for years to come. There is no right or wrong just pop your toppings on and get it down ya peeps with a good slosh of tea. Do you feel that tension though in a tearoom when you've done the cut? All eyes on you......whether you go Cornish or do it the Devon way. I wonder if the tension is more severe if you are actually eating your scone in Devon or Cornwall. I can almost visualise an eery silence, tumbleweed blowing down the road, a tut from people in Devon when you spread the jam on first. I will leave that one with you.....maybe you would like to tell me which one you prefer but please no fighting it's only a scone or scon. Thank you so much for reading today, please join me again tomorrow for What to Buy Wednesday but for now..... Take care. |
Teapot TuesdayEverything tea related, from teashops, teabags, teapots, teacups, tea bags or loose leaf tea. Archives
May 2020