Hours forward hours back
it seems to come around quick I can never keep track They say fall back and in spring we go forward a good way to remember let's get this all sorted Then we have to remember to actually change our clock if you forget then it can be a bit of a shock Most are automatic but do you know what's bizarre? with all of these computerised systems you still have to change the one in the car Some people will leave it until it changes again but that would annoy my already fuzzy brain No I have to change it even if I have to read the instruction book that's it I've lost my hour there just having a look But hey we still do it after all these years we get used to it, then it's a change again - oh cheers! Me? Well I wish we would stick to one thing preferably the longer light nights which are coming up in spring. 🌝🌗🌑 Thank you for reading today. Join me again tomorrow for Free From Friday.... but for now... Take care xxx
I think I have that S.A.D
cus in bad weather I feel really bad It's not just the weather, it's the dark nights too those winter months are pretty hard to work through As soon as the sun appears I feel so cheery away from the dullness that seems so dreary I can feel a massive change in my mood from a right miserable moo to feeling so blooming good It's bizarre how the sunlight can have that effect we need the Vitamin D to naturally inject I probably lack it in my body big style without it I am right sulky and a little bit vile I am probably one of those people who belong in the sun like a plant that realises that spring has begun That's it! I'm just a big shrub in a English plant bed destined to be a palm tree swaying in the Med I'll have to get one of those posh lamps for people with S.A.D to make them feel like champs I'll be alright now I've seen some sun because now is springtime and I feel like having fun ☀️☀️☀️ Thank you for reading today. Join me again tomorrow for Free From Friday.... but for now... Take care xxx Laughter was very much in the air
people laughing everywhere A little giggle now and again and big laugh out loud's to please any comedienne Jokes were told to please a crowd the punchline's shouted out aloud Hoping for a good reaction but it didn't matter as raising money was the attraction Laughing is so good for the soul it's so good for us all on a whole Even if there's nothing funny going on just have a random laugh your troubles will be gone Good fun was had all round apart from laughter we produced a good sound As singing is what we do, well that's my belief but last night was our Rock Choir sesh for Comic Relief 🤣😂🤣 Thank you for reading today. Join me tomorrow for Free From Friday. But for now.... Take care xxx The world just seems to want to rush about
no patience it seems which makes people wanna shout The roads are where it happens the most verbal diarrhoea diagnosed and swear words overdosed It makes people all stressed and shouty raising their fists looking all louty What's the point in this thing called road rage? Can't we just say 'whoops' and cut to the next stage Life just seems too short to be this cross mistakes get made so who gives a toss I wish we could chill, let it pass us by It sometimes gets to me, I'll be honest and not lie As I sit here writing this verse I can hear horns from the road big lorries, so busy carrying their load It's busy out there on the A38 does anyone really sit there, in a jam, all sedate If in that situation there is nothing one can do unless you start needing the loo Now that is the time to definitely swear my bladder will burst does anyone care? That's when everyone needs to leave the road get out of the way my bladder is about to explode A sign appears, services this way calm is restored, the rush is over everything will be okay The next time you feel your blood is about to boil think 'oh no this day it will spoil' STOP take those breaths in nice and slow instead of swear words, grit your teeth, wave or say 'hello' 😃😃😃 Thank you for reading today. Join me again tomorrow for Free From Friday. But for now.... Take care xxx |
A Verse for Thursday....is a chance for me to share some of my poems I have written and also my favourite poems from other writers, hope you enjoy them. Archives
May 2020